Our dedication to Racial Equality and Social Justice (RESJ) spans decades. Learn more about our RESJ Initiative

time exposed photo of headlights in urban center

Felisa Albert

FeLisa AlbertWho has been an inspiration in your life?
My inspiration came from my parents (especially my father), Maya Angelou, Angela Davis, Oprah, and Michelle Obama to name a few.

What does racial equity and social justice mean to you?
Examining race as a social construct and what intersects race, and how those unjust and unfair practices and behaviors influenced systemic, institutional, and perceived racism and discrimination. Once there is an understanding then action steps can move towards justice, fairness, and opportunities for all.

What is your favorite book, poetry, documentary or other resource on black history?
The Autobiography of Malcolm X.

When I dream in black, I...
step into my royalty by using the strength of my ancestors as fuel to ignite my power, confidence, and tenacity. This Black girl magic leads with purpose and authenticity while being unapologetically my full-self without permission.